
How to read Jacquelyn Benson’s books for free

(or for cheap)

Looking for a way to fuel your voracious reading appetite on a limited budget? I’ve created this page to help you find safe ways to get a discounted or free download of Empire of Shadows, The Fire in the Glass, The Shadow of Water, Bridge of Ash, or What the Ravens Sing.

  • Use your library. If they aren’t carrying the book you’re looking for, ask your librarian to search for it through the inter-library loan program. Librarians are also always looking for suggestions about books to add to the collection, so you could suggest that your local branch acquire Empire of Shadows or The London Charismatics series in either physical or digital format.
  • You might also have access to a broader list of ebooks and audiobooks through the Libby app, which you can log into using your library card.
  • Subscribe to Kobo Plus or Scribd. These services do have a cost, but if you devour multiple books per month, they’re a huge savings over paying retail prices. You can also get my audiobooks through Kobo Plus!
    (Note: my books are not currently available through the Kindle Unlimited subscription, because Amazon requires me to remove them from all other book retail sites in order to participate.)
  • Follow me on Bookbub. They’ll notify you whenever I offer a sale on one of my titles. I regularly discount my series-starters, such as The Fire in the Glass, to $0.99 or even free, and Bookbub will make sure you don’t miss out!

If you are genuinely facing financial hardship and these other options to download my books for free aren’t available to you, you can reach out to me directly and ask about a code for a discount at my web store.

I do strongly advise against downloading files for my books from unlicensed and unreliable sources. Many of these sites exist in order to slip malware onto your computer. They might also promise you a free copy of the Empire of Shadows ebook or The Shadow of Water in audiobook format and deliver something entirely different.